Shinobu, Yoshio, and Takio Kishimoto

No PhotoName: Shinobu Kishimoto.
Age at death: 95.
Disability: Unspecified disability requiring level-1 nursing care.

Name: Yoshio Kishimoto.
Age at death: 93.
Disability: Disabled elder.

Name: Takio Kishimoto.
Age at death: 70.
Disability: Stroke; used a cane.

Died: November 17, 2019.
Cause of death: Asphyxia.
Location: Tsuruga, Fukui, Japan.

Shinobi and Yoshio lived with their son, Takio, and his wife. Takio’s wife killed them all by strangling them.

Takio was the CEO of a construction company, which he had inherited from Yoshio.

Case status:
Masako Kishimoto (Daughter-in-law of Shinobu and Yoshio; wife of Takio), convicted of murder, sentenced to 18 years.

72-year-old woman gets 18 years in prison for killing 3 family members
71-year-old woman arrested on suspicion of killing parents-in-law
Woman arrested on suspicion of murder after 3 bodies found in central Japan home