Timothy Brooks

No PhotoName: Timothy James Brooks.
Died: August 8, 2012.
Age at death: 52.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Marlow, Oklahoma, USA.
Disability: Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia.

Timothy Brooks owned a ranch and liked to go hunting.

His son allegedly shot him dead, then posed him to make it look like a suicide and collect the life insurance.

The death was initially ruled “undetermined”. Six years later, Timothy’s son was charged with murder.

Case status:
James Kyle Brooks (Son), charged with first-degree murder; trial resulted in hung jury. Retrial scheduled.

Second Trial Set For Oklahoma Man Accused Of Killing Dad For Life Insurance
Hung jury: Additional details from Brooks case that doesn’t reach verdict | News | duncanbanner.com
Charge: Man killed Marlow dad, tried to make it look like a suicide
Man charged with murdering father: Brooks accused of killing father to collect $500,000 life insurance policy
Timothy James Brooks – View Obituary & Service Information
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