Antonio Tucci

Photo of a balding man wearing a turquoise shirt. He has a wide grin on his face and his eyes are squeezed nearly shut with amusement.Name: Antonio Tucci.
Died: December 7, 2015.
Age at death: 71.
Cause of death: Head injury.
Location: Castel del Piano, Italy.
Disability: Unspecified; wheelchair user.

Antonio was beaten to death, dying of head trauma after what looked like a robbery gone wrong. However, two days later, Antonio’s nephew was arrested. They had lived together in the past, and now Antonio’s nephew was demanding his pension money. When he would not give him the money, Antonio’s nephew killed him.

Antonio Tucci was a retired baker.

Case status:
Claudio Orlando (Nephew), convicted of murder, sentenced to 30 years.

Antonio Tucci: il caso dell’omicidio del pensionato ucciso a bastonate in casa sua
Wheelchair-bound pensioner murdered
Anziano trovato morto, fermato un nipote