Irene Strandt

No PhotoName: Irene Strandt.
Died: December 17, 2017.
Age at death: 81.
Cause of death: Infection.
Location: Everett, Washington, USA.
Disability: Dementia.

Irene, who had advanced dementia, had outlived all of her children but one–the son she lived with. When she fell and broke her hip, he left her on the floor for five days with her ankles tied with a purple sweater. When she was finally taken to the hospital, she was in bad shape, and died of an infection seventeen days later.

Case status:
Kenneth Strandt (Son), charged with first-degree manslaughter. Case could not be brought to trial because Kenneth was not able to care for himself; charges dismissed.

Manslaughter charges dismissed in 2017 elder abuse case
Man charged with manslaughter in binding death of mother, 81
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