Janevive Adienge

Photo UnavailableName: Janevive Adienge.
Died: February 25, 2021.
Age at death: Child.
Cause of death: Poisoning.
Location: Homa Bay, Kenya.
Disability: Unspecified.

Janeveve’s uncle told her mother that he was signing Janeveve up for some help from a charity, but then he instead signed Janeveve and her mother up for a life-insurance policy, with himself as the beneficiary. A year later, one of her uncle’s friends distracted her mother with some forms that he said she needed to fill out to get assistance; while her mother was busy, he gave Janeveve poison. Janeveve’s mother called for help, but it arrived too late for the girl, who died. The killer and an associate were both convicted of murder, but the judge found that, although the uncle had been involved in the plot, there was insufficient evidence to charge him.

Case Status:
Lucas Odhiambo Okello (Uncle), not charged.
Kevin Ogot (Killer), convicted of murder.
Moses Omondi Sumba (Accomplice), convicted of murder.

Two found guilty of killing disabled child for insurance claim
Two found guilty of killing disabled child for insurance claim