La’Marion Thomure

Photo of a small boy with brown skin and black hair, wearing an orange print pajama top.Name: La’Marion Thomure.
Died: July 15, 2020.
Age at death: 4.
Cause of death: Trauma.
Location: St. Louis, Illinois, USA.
Disability: Autism.

La’Marion was allegedly beaten to death by his mother’s boyfriend.

He was a “charming, handsome little boy [who] lightened up the whole room when he was in it. He’d make you smile even on your bad days. He loved being outdoors, playing with family.” He loved Mickey Mouse.

Case status:
Demetrius D. Stewart (Mother’s boyfriend), charged with first-degree murder.

Obituary for Master LA’ MARION S. THOMURE at Officer Funeral Home, PC
Man accused of killing girlfriend’s autistic child
Man charged with fatally beating autistic boy in East St. Louis
Justice For Lamarion organized by Minnie Thomure