Ramón Castellano de Torres

Photo of a balding middle-aged man with glasses, a collared shirt, and a serious expression.Name: Ramón Castellano de Torres.
Died: August 8, 2021.
Age at death: 73.
Cause of death: Stabbed.
Location: Morón de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain.
Disability: Unspecified degenerative disability.

Ramón’s wife stabbed him before jumping off the roof to her death. Ramón died next day of his injuries.

Ramón was an artist and art teacher, with his paintings displayed in galleries around the world. He also contributed to cultural and pedagogic magazines, illustrated children’s stories, and published several books about the town of Morón de la Frontera, where he lived for most of his life.

Case Status:
Beatriz R. (Wife), deceased.

Ramon Castellano de Torres Art
Murder or mercy, dying woman did not want to leave disabled husband alone
El drama de Bea y Ramón: ella tenía cáncer y mató a su marido, discapacitado, para no dejarlo solo
Wikipedia: Ramón Castellano de Torres
Una mujer mata a su marido, discapacitado, y se suicida arrojándose al vacío desde la azotea