Riba Dewilde

Photo of Riba DeWilde. She is a woman with brown hair, fair skin, and large glasses. She is wearing a large hiking backpack and smiling.Name: Riba Dewilde.
Died: November 26, 2016.
Age at death: 51.
Cause of death: Gunshot.
Location: Tok, Alaska, USA.
Disability: Mental illness.

Photo of "Athabaskan Male Doll with Accessories", artwork by Riba Dewilde. The doll is made of wood, bark, fur, and antler. It is dressed in traditional clothing, sitting in a canoe and holding a fishing spear.

Riba was an artist who would go out hunting and trapping to gather materials for her art.

Riba’s son shot her with a hunting rifle.


Case status:
Eli Simpson (Son), charged with first- and second-degree murder. Convicted; sentence unknown. Currently incarcerated.

Prisoners charged in riot, occupation of Fairbanks Correctional Center
21-year-old Tok man faces murder charges in Alaska artist’s death
Alaska artist Riba DeWilde shot and killed in Tok; son in custody
Artist Riba DeWilde Murdered; Emergency Fundraiser Planned